Quantity / Aggressive Recovery / Cautious Recovery
9 / 2-3-4 / 5-6-7
Free / Saturation / -1 / -2
2 / 4 ------------ 7 / 9
Die / Reroll / Saturation
Combat : Orange / No / 4
Ranged Combat : Yellow / No / 3
Active Defense : Yellow / No
Manipulation : Orange / No / 5
Encumbrance Limit
Name / Encumbrance Level
Swim 6
Leap 8
Attack from Beyond
Standard Equipment
Battle Axe, Epée
Background :
The bar-fight lost momentum and ground to a halt, and the brawlers stood looking a little foolishly at one another, wondering what to do next. Nobody quite dared to move, except a tall muscled northerner who kept trying to pin his flapping ear back to his head with his one unbroken arm.
The silence was broken by the calmly poised voice of a rather stunning young woman. She had her knee pressed into the chest of a swarthy, well-clothed man who was stretched out on the floor. A beautiful face stared at him from beneath long blond braids. It must have been the best and the worst moment of his life.
- You are sure you are not Zamoran ? You certainly look like one, you definitely smell like one, and you talk too much, just like Zamorans do. Then again, perhaps you are just nervous, I probably make you nervous, don't I ? Well, I'm not sure, so I tell you what : if you say another crass word to me, in fact if I hear you say anything to anyone that is not entirely delightful from now until you leave this place of ill repute, I'll kill you. Just in case you are a Zamoran. I'll run you through with this sword, and then when you're quite dead, I'll cleave your smug little face right off your skull with this axe. Other than that, although it might have been more eloquently phrased, it was a nice compliment. It almost made me blush.
The first and second daughters of Brythunian noble families are prepared for marriage, the third and fourth to serve their elder sisters, and the fifth and onwards to die in combat. Eighth daughter of such a family that never gave up hope on the arrival of a much-awaited son, Ethelglyth was brought up by her father to hunt and battle, and the aging boyard came to regret that Brythunian law did not allow young girls to inherit their father's estates.
During the hunting party to celebrate her fifteenth birthday, the party was ambushed and Ethelglyth abducted by Zamoran slave-traders, for a market avid of spirited blond-haired Brythunian women. When Ethelglyth knifed her Turanian would-be master in the bedchamber, it was decided it would be safer sending her back to Zamora for a swift career in the fighting pits.
Campaign History :
When she decides to rob a Temple of Ibis, in the company of Brude, the vibrant Brythunian is suddenly caught up in the deeds of the Veiled One. She meets with Nuala during this adventure, and instantly takes to the shaman, no doubt helped by the fact that her giant wolf sacrificed itself to save Ethelglyth from a well-aimed Stygian arrow. The young woman wreaked havoc in the Stygian ranks, but was seriously wounded during the fighting.
During a raiding party to steal food from their pursuers, Ethelglyth played a less pivotal role, but nonetheless slew another Stygian captain.
After having reached the temple of Zarese of the Silver Moon, and despite a persistent wound, Ethelglyth joined an expedition to the East, intended to learn more about the disturbingly mysterious Natohk. Whilst sneaking into his camp, the young woman was seriously wounded again, to the point that she eventually had to be left behind to recover with Shemites loyal to Zarese.
XP :
+2 XP from the Temple of Ibis adventure
+2 XP from the Hunger Games adventure
+1 XP from the A Bloody Clue adventure
Current Additional Equipment :
None (and minus her Battle Axe)
Current Wounds :
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