mardi 21 janvier 2020


Monolith Conan Equivalent : Kerim Shah

Quantity / Aggressive Recovery / Cautious Recovery
10 / 2-3-4 / 5-6-7

Free / Saturation / -1 / -2
2 / 4 ------------   9 / 10

Die / Reroll / Saturation
Combat  : Orange / No / 4
Ranged Combat : Orange / No / 5
Active Defense : Orange / No
Manipulation : Yellow / No / 4

Encumbrance Limit

Name / Encumbrance Level
Leap 7
Climb 7
Untouchable 8
Precision Shot 9
Concentration 10

Standard Equipment
Bossonian Bow, Sword

Background :
-  Mitra and Ibis shelter us from the arid wind that blows out of Stygia.  There are no gods who bar the icy winds that howl down from Hyperborea.  That burden must hence be born by Men.

The Hyborian kings often fret over the military threats from the north, be it Picts, Cimmerians, Aesir or Vanir.  The Hyperboreans are, on the contrary, a more aloof people that cause much less concern.  This is because the Hyborian kingdoms have little understanding of the growing power of the White Hand.  The mysterious sorceror-assassins of the north are slowly but meticulously weaving an icy web, and their ambassadors roam as far as Stygia or Khitai.

Kerim is the fifth son of a family of Aquilonian nobles.  Like most such surplus sons, he joined the army.  A veteran of countless campaigns, he was left for dead on a Borderlands battlefield, which was picked over by Hyperborean slavers.  That was the beginning of a long period of suffering for the Bossonian.  The Hyperboreans care little for what makes a man - his past, his family, his skills - he is simply flesh to put to labour, to torture, to experiment black magic upon.  Kerim was finally liberated by a Brythunian hunting party, led by a warlike lord that had decided to track a different quarry.

That same lord proved to be quite a visionary.  He suggested to Kerim that what the North needed was a group of men and women with no ties, no loyalty except to their cause, and that cause would be to keep a constant watch on the Hyperboreans, ranging stealthily into the heart of their land to learn their darkest secrets. 

It was a glaringly obvious choice for Kerim : he knew he had endured too much to go back to his family, and to his two sons he had barely seen anyway, during his soldiering years.  May the Watch help them grow up in a better world.

Over the years, Kerim has recruited the hardiest survivors of Hyperborean cruelty.  A Watchman who has come back from a tour of duty in Hyperborea needs nerves of steel to return, just as his heart has begun to warm.  They generally work alone, so as to never give the enemy any pressure to use against them.  Their mission is to gather knowledge, not to intervene, and they acquit their task whilst enduring the sight of terrible human suffering.

Yet, somehow, the spirit of the Watch, constantly rekindled by Kerim, prevails.  There are now rumoured to be around fifty Watchmen, tirelessly roaming the lands between the Border Kingdoms, the Mountains of the Grey Apes and the Vilayet Sea.

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