vendredi 19 juillet 2019


  • Population: 3,300,000
  • Capital: Shadizar (pop. 410,000)
  • Ruler: King Mitradites (? - ?)
  • Major cities: Arenjun (pop. 330,000), Yezud (pop. 110,000)
  • Resources: Sheep, cattle, tin, copper
  • Imports: Food, spices, gems 
  • Historical Equivalent: Pontic Kingdom ? 
  • Religion: Zath, Bel, Ishtar, Nergal

This kingdom standing between West and East was founded, somewhat out of the blue, by the ancient Zhemri around sixteen centuries before the Age of Conan. Hyborians conducted slave raids into Zamora in the early days, but they never managed to seize the government.

The nation lays southeast of Hyperborea, east of Brythunia and Corinthia, north of Koth, and west of the Turanian steppe. On its eastern boundary are the Kezankian Mountains, beyond which are marches nominally subject to Zamora but increasingly nibbled away by Turan. The Karpash Mountain range lies on the western border and a small, worn range rises on the southern border. Their passes are usually blocked by snowfall and spring rains. Zamora always places a crude fort at the approaches to its mountain passes for tariffs and protection.

The capital of Zamora, Shadizar,known as the "City of Wickedness" is on the Road of Kings, principle trade-route of the Hyborian world.  Among its many attractions are the Maul, which boasts the highest concentration of ne'er-do-wells in the whole of Hyboria; the Tower of the Elephant, renowned for enclosing fabulous wealth in a city that throngs with thieves - Shevatas, the Prince of Thieves, is a Zamoran; and many others.

The architecture, art and way of the life in Zamora is heavily influenced by the Turanian Empire, much more so than by the neighbouring Hybori kingdoms.

Zamora is an ancient and peculiar kingdom, populated by what has been described as a "race of devils". It is an absolute despotism in young Conan's time, the king dominated by a sorceror. The Zhemri-Zamorans still have memories of pre-Cataclysmic times and the main religious faith is the strange cult of the Spider-God Zath, centered at Yezud.

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