vendredi 19 juillet 2019


  • Population: 430,000
  • Capital: Khauran (pop. 110,000)
  • Ruler: Queen Taramis (26 - 48)
  • Major cities: Kandala (pop. 13,000), Ketha (pop. 34,000 -- a city on the caravan route from Zamboula to Shadizar, famed for its stone quarries)
  • Resources: Semi-precious stones, food, cattle
  • Imports: Khauran is a major trade center of the east-west trade 
  • Historical Equivalent:
  • Religion: Ishtar, Bel

A small border kingdom between the eastern tip of Koth and the Eastern Desert region of the Zuagirs.

It has rich meadows and very fertile croplands.

The ruling caste is Hyborian while the soldiers are Shemitish. The farming class was of ancient aboriginal stock.

Kothic adventurers founded Khauran at a time when many tiny principalities were being carved out of the fertile uplands. Koth then absorbed almost all of these, so that in Conan's time only Khauran and Khoraja had managed to retain their independence.

Just like the Shamla Pass in Khoraja, another important break in the Kothian Escarpment is found in Khauran, bringing the vital trade of the east-west caravan routes into the small kingdom. However, the Road of Kings, built by Corinthian city-states, steals some of the caravan trade from Khauran.

Khauran is ruled by the matrilineal Ashkauri dynasty. This Hyborian lineage of queens have a curse on them, such that once every century, an evil sorceress is born into the family, identified by a crescent-moon birthmark between her breasts.

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