vendredi 19 juillet 2019


  • Population: 5,700,000
  • Capital: Khorshemish (pop. 950,000 -- one-third of which are foreign slaves)
  • Ruler: Emperor Strabonus  (19 - 44)
  • Major cities: Krosha, Korveka
  • Resources: Grain, fruit, pottery, iron, weapons
  • Imports: Furs, slaves 
  • Historical Equivalent: Byzantine (or Roman ?)
  • Religion: Ishtar, Bel, Set

Koth is a Hyborian kingdom south of Ophir, Corinthia, and Zamora, North of Shem and Argos, and bordered on the east by Khoraja and Khauran.

The steep peaks of the Karpash Range are an impassable barrier along the Corinthian border. Further west, the mountains soften into hills below western Ophir, and are traversed by two major passes. Along the Argossean frontier, the Pyrrhenian Mountains deflect moist air masses, creating Koth's western meadowlands (sub-humid prairie), fading into deserts east of Khorshemish. This mountain range curves south, then to the east above Shem. It quickly fades into rugged hill-country, gaining elevation and impenetrability again at the Flaming Mountains, a volcanic range.

The important road going south out of Khorshemish traverses a pass on the way to Eruk in Shem. One thousand miles of uplands culminate in the Kothian Escarpment, a huge wall that runs along the edge of the Eastern Desert before rising into the southern bulk of the Kezankian Mountains. The eastern region of the kingdom is best described as "fertile uplands", for the hills south of Zamora act as a moisture trap to water the region and fill its "blue lakes and rivers". A saline body of water in the barrens of central Koth called Salt Lake, together with additional smaller bodies of freshwater, take care of the runoff.

Koth has meadows and orchards in the western and farms in the eastern uplands.

Its ancient capital, Khorshemish, known as the "Queen of the South" is the center of the armor-making industry that is Koth's pride and joy.  It is founded on the ruins of a city far more ancient, even more so that the Acheron Empire, and beneath it lay a great maze of pits, in which certain wells, or the roots of the Yothga plant that thrives there, descend to Hell itself.

Koth was among the earliest Hyborian kingdoms, founded on the ruins of the terrifying and blood-stained Acheron Empire.  In the present time, the mad Emperor Strabonus dreams of restoring Acheron to its former glory, until he is slain by King Conan I of Aquilonia beneath the walls of Shamar.

Shemites are an important part of the population of Koth, and there is no taboo on intermariage with Hyborians.  There are also a surprising number of Stygians within the frontiers of the kingdom.

The Kothian army is made up of plumed mailed lancers, pikemen in mailed brigandines and steel caps, and Shemitish bowmen wearing only light mail shirts.

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