samedi 10 octobre 2020


Monolith Conan Equivalent : Swamp Demon Tile

Passive Defense :2

Combat (Die / Reroll) :
Red / Yes
Red / Yes
Orange / Yes

Ranged Combat (Die / Reroll) :

Skills :

Wounds : 8

Reinforcement Cost : -

Dynwocor are sorcerous creations, whose genetic material is manipulated by the Hyperborean Witchmen, who then grow them and instill hate and rage in their hearts.  These deadly monsters are used to protect their dark fortresses, where they are as great a danger to the occupants as to intruders.  When they eventually become uncontrollable, they are used as the main attraction of the Hunt.  Undesired slaves - too old, too young, or too rebellious - are brought together under a blood moon, by the magicians of the White Hand, then released and hunted down.  This bloodthirsty ritual is also a social occasion of great importance.

The Dynwocor used during the Hunt are then left to roam Hyperborea, and as their lifetime is measured in decades, often make their way into neighbouring lands.

They can also, however, be given as presents by the Witchmen to particularly favoured allies.  Hence Dynwocor are sometimes encountered in the southern reaches of Turan, in Stygian or in eastern Shem, or even in the fighting pits of Zamora.

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