mardi 23 juillet 2019

Spider (Giant)

Monolith Conan Equivalent : Giant Spider Tile

: 4
Passive Defense : 2

Combat (Die / Reroll) :
Red / Yes
Yellow / No
Yellow / No

Ranged Combat (Die / Reroll) :

Skills :
Web Projection

Wounds : 6

Reinforcement Cost : -

Giant spiders, whose venom is like drops of liquid hell-fire, and which move with appalling speed, can reach enormous sizes.  Their eyes gleam with a horrible intelligence.  Their strands of silk cause even sharp blades to stick, immobilising their prey.

Since the Zamorans, who descend from the Thurian Zhemri, worship a spider-god called Zath, just as the Stygians worship Set, it seems not unlikely that spider-men once existed alongside the snake-men of the Thurian South, among the "strange and terrible forms of life which walked the earth" before the rise of the Thurian civilisations of Man.

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