The greatest among them reach eighty feet in length, with a head the size of a horse, and fangs a foot in length, from which drips a colourless liquid that is Death. Despite their bulk, these creatures are incredibly swift, and their poison so rapid that life goes from their victims' eyes as a candle is blown out. The corpse is the crushed in constricting coils, and devoured.
This is a brief description of the World of Conan, which is one of backgrounds I use my fantasy tabletop miniatures for. I owe much of the historical and geographical background to and gratefully acknowledge their labour of love.
mardi 23 juillet 2019
Snake (Giant)
The greatest among them reach eighty feet in length, with a head the size of a horse, and fangs a foot in length, from which drips a colourless liquid that is Death. Despite their bulk, these creatures are incredibly swift, and their poison so rapid that life goes from their victims' eyes as a candle is blown out. The corpse is the crushed in constricting coils, and devoured.
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