Asura teaches that life is illusory, and that the only final Truth comes after death. His cult is devoted to penetrating the veil of the illusion of life.
His doctrine is that all beings reincarnate, and that the purpose of life is to pay the debt that weighs on the immortal soul from previous existences. Each evil act extends the cycle of reincarnation, each good act shortens it. There is little compassion in Asuran religion, as those that suffer earned their suffering by their actions in previous lives.
Asura has no true form, but ispart of all of the cosmos. When the God wishes to send messages to his followers, he does so by the reincarnation-birth of an exceptional mortal.
Worshipped by most Vendhyans, the Asuran cult is seen as sorcerous in the West, and has for example been driven underground in Aquilonia. Indeed priests and followers of Asura seem to communicate by uncanny means, and are adept at silently slipping unnoticed through the lands they dwell in.
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