vendredi 19 juillet 2019


  • Population: 3,200,000
  • Capital: Old Zembabwei
  • Ruler: Twin Kings Mbega and Nenaunir
  • Major cities: Northern Capital
  • Resources: Herbs, gold dust, slaves from other black kingdoms
  • Imports: Weapons, manufactured goods
  • Historical Equivalent: African Kingdoms (Ghana, Zimbabwe,...) 
  • Religion: Damballah

Also called Zimbabwe, a powerful black kingdom lying south and east of Punt. It is ruled by Twin Kings and has everglade flatlands in the north, merging into thick tropical jungle toward the south and east. The upper Styx formed its western boundary; a large river in the northeast and barren plains in the South delineate other frontiers; while in the east its lands stretch to the Southern Ocean shore.

The warriors of Zembabwei were an offshoot of the Kchaka, a powerful tribe of the interior of the Black Kingdoms. When the Zembabwans were driven from their homes by a more powerful tribe, they fled east, eventually reaching the ruined city which is now known as Old Zembabwei. The nearby tribes held the region to be cursed, leaving the city free for the Zembabwans to inhabit, and build a new city upon the ruins.

For millennia, they fought the giant wyverns which soared over the jungle from cave-lairs in an eastern mountain range. A hero of the tribe, Lumbeba, traveled to the mountains and stole some eggs. He reared the hatchlings, and discovered that they could be tamed and used for riding. This enabled the Zembabwans to extend their rule over the neighboring tribes and form the present kingdom of Zembabwei. Lumbeba was immediately elevated to the throne.

Lumbeba was one of a pair of twins, and devoted to his brother. When he announced a revelation from the gods, that henceforth the Zembabwans would be ruled by twins, no one protested. Since that day, Zembabwei was ruled by twin kings selected from all the twin boys in the kingdom. To avoid conflicts over the succession, it became the custom that when one of the pair died, the other either killed himself or was driven from the kingdom. Afterward, the priests select a new pair of twins from the young men of the kingdom and declare them the new kings.

Zembabwei's Northern Capital is its major trading center. To the south stands Forbidden City or Old Zembabwei, a religious and administrative center closed to foreigners.

The Zembabweans are great traders and potential empire builders among their weaker neighbors to the west, who were justifiably suspicious of the glittering entrepreneurs who built fortresses at the same time as trading posts.

The Zembabwans worship Set the Serpent-God under the name of Damballah, and it transpires that Old Zembabwei was built by the Serpent-Men of the Thulian south, the same that the Stygians overcame and then worshipped.

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