vendredi 19 juillet 2019


  • Population: 1,400,000
  • Capital: Keshia (pop. 59,000)
  • Ruler: A king rules based on advice by the nation's high priest
  • Major cities: Alkmeenon (pop. none -- a jungle-lost city which is taboo to all Keshians)
  • Resources: Wood, herbs, plant poison, game (tigers, bears)
  • Imports: Gems, luxury items 
  • Historical Equivalent: Zanzibar ? 
  • Religion: Gwahlur, Dagon, Derketa

A barbaric kingdom situated south of Stygia, west of Darfar, and east of Punt, mostly covered with tropical rainforest.

A hot, hilly kingdom, with thick jungles, its central region contain many steep escarpments which make it difficult to traverse. Ocelots, snakes, tigers and other beasts are common in Keshan's jungles, and the mountains swarm with goats, bears and other wildlife.

Once doted with Shemitish rulers, Keshan knew a period of splendor, with a great capital at Alkmeenon, before falling into ruin.  It is now a barbaric kingdom, the black-skinned peoples ruled over by a people of lighter complexion claiming descent from the "mythical" people of Alkmeenon.  The capital city is now Keshia, a settlement of thatched huts clustering around the mud wall of the royal palace, which is made of mud, stone, and bamboo.

Keshan is the hereditary enemy of Punt and itself endures slave raids from Stygia and Shem.

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