vendredi 19 juillet 2019


  • Population: 800,000
  • Capital: None
  • Ruler: Various chieftains and petty kings (including Snow Hawk, Grey Bear, Black Wolf, Black Owl and Ice Leopard clans)
  • Major cities: None (small villages)
  • Resources: Cattle, furs, timber, iron, weapons
  • Imports: Extensive raiding of cattle and women from Asgard, Vanaheim and Hyperborea
  • Historical Equivalent: Celtic Britain 
  • Religion: Crom

The Cimmerians are a nation of barbarian tribes situated north of Aquilonia and separated from it by a narrow strip of the Bossonian Marches and Gunderland. The Pictish Wilderness lays to the west of Cimmeria. The high Eiglophian Mountains wall off the country from Vanaheim and Asgard on the north.

Cimmeria, birthplace of Conan, is an unremittingly somber land, "all of hills, darkly wooded, under skies nearly always gray, with winds moaning drearily down the valleys". The people are the direct descendants of vanished Atlanteans. They are tall and powerful, with dark hair and blue or gray eyes. Cimmerian tribes existed contemporaneously with Atlantis, intermarrying with Atlantean colonists on the Thurian continent prior to the Cataclysm.

The Cimmerians of this era are still a hunting and gathering culture, living in villages deep in the humid forests. The people use iron weapons and have borrowed other elements from the higher cultures to the south. Their chief god is Crom, who takes little interest in human affairs.

Conan is a maverick among the Cimmerians, who are not known to venture beyond their woodlands.

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